USNIC Regarding the passage of S. 512, the Nuclear Energy Innovation and Modernization Act (NEIMA)

January 4, 2019

USNIC Regarding the passage of S. 512, the Nuclear Energy Innovation and Modernization Act (NEIMA)

January 4, 2019

The passage of NEIMA is a watershed moment for regulatory reform and licensing modernization for U.S. advanced nuclear energy leadership and the current operating fleet.

Coupled with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s (NRC) own efforts to transform its licensing blueprint, S. 512 will accelerate reforms to address structural issues with the Agency’s budget and fee recovery authorities to promote long-warranted transparency and accountability.  It will also expedite the establishment of performance benchmarks and reporting to Congress to enhance surety in the NRC’s decision-making timelines without compromising safety.

As a business consortium representing America’s leading nuclear energy developers pioneering next-generation energy technology, we welcome, in particular, NEIMA’s focus on modernization of the NRC’s regulatory framework to provide clarity and predictability for advanced reactor license applications.  We strongly support its measures to reduce regulatory costs and to incentivize the NRC to develop a modern, technology neutral framework that allows for the phased and expedited licensing of quickly emerging, game-changing advanced nuclear energy technology.  The Council was privileged to provide testimony in support of NEIMA to the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works (EPW) in 2016 while also laying-out a Framework for Advanced Reactor Licensing Modernization white paper.

The bipartisan leadership of EPW Chairman Barrasso and Ranking Member Tom Carper to successfully chart and navigate NEIMA through the 115th Congress -- with the collective efforts of companion initiatives in the U.S. House under Energy and Commerce Chairman Greg Walden – is a pivotal development and hopeful testament to the bicameral, across-the-aisle support for advanced nuclear energy given its geostrategic importance to clean energy, jobs, exports and national security.  



  • April 21, 2016 USNIC Testimony in Support of NEIMA, CLICK HERE.
  • Issue Brief on The Framework for Advanced Reactor Licensing Modernization, CLICK HERE.

While the above statement reflects the consensus of the Council, it does not necessarily reflect the specific view of individual members.

Contact Information:

Caleb Ward ( | 202-332-8845)